Itinerarium Burdigalense
Bowman, G.
(Τελευταία επίσκεψη: 28/2/2008)
Article of Glenn Bowman on the itinerary of the anonymous monk from Bordeau, in Levine, L.I. (ed.), «Jerusalem: Its Sanctity and Centrality to Judaism, Christianity and Islam» (New York 1998), pp. 163-187.
Medieval Christian Guide-Books
Bechtel, F.
(Τελευταία επίσκεψη: 28/2/2008)
F. Bechtel'a entry in the Catholic Encyclopedia on the medieval pilgrims, with references to the«Itinerarium Burdigalense».
The anonymous pilgrim of Bordeaux
Alliata, E.
(Τελευταία επίσκεψη: 28/2/2008)
Electronic edition of the «Itinerarium Burdigalenses», in english translation.